Switch to PNN to colonize the Moon and Mars
For the purpose of a PNN Mars expedition a group should initially be formed as follows .
(Subject to Registration) by PNN Explorers.
Why this initiative? Because a front which diverts funding from failed rocketry to boost the PNN must be formed! . We also need detailed knowledge of the habitats of the International Space Station and Kilopower type nuclear reactors and solar panels (info that the PNN Explorers will have to provide). For example, the life support system of the ISS should be taken up for the Martian bases. Unfortunately, the organization has a cost.
Why PNN Explorers? Because Core 1 of the PNN Explorers will be able to see directly in one of our laboratories the experimental test which demonstrates that propulsion without reaction mass ejection is a reality! Rocket propulsion with its inevitable loss of mass was the main reason that caused the failure of Mars ONE and also the lack of colonization of the Moon for half a century. Direct viewing of the test has a cost in terms of experimental preparation and it is not done to put on a show but to research and convince motivated people. In general:
- We need to upgrade what is available with a PNN prototype more powerful than F432BA and fitted with a nuclear reactor or solar panels as the primary electrical power source and its C&C (Command and Control) as we certainly not reach Earth orbit with a Baofeng
- In perspective, the Martian bases will have to be constantly supplied with continuous PNN voyages from Earth, which is impossible for rocketry
- The PNN Martian bases must be built where there is water!
- Where we will go: Korolev Crater!
- There we will dig tunnels in the walls of ice: the ice will give us protection from cosmic radiation, as well as supplies of water and air. We will also dig environments for greenhouses where to grow plants for nourishment. Constant supplies from Earth will take care of the rest.
Why do we do this? Because rocketry has largely proven slow and ineffective for long-range initiatives and this has led to a decades-long state of inaction. Despite this, astronautics is reluctant to abandon the status quo of rocket propulsion. PNN was born to overcome all of this.
In the Korolev crater there is already a beautiful wall of ice where one can dig one or more tunnels to shield astronauts from cosmic radiation.
And the future PNN spacecraft for Mars will be contained in a cube of water for protective purposes on the journey from Earth to Mars and vice versa since the PNN can carry any quantity of materials if equipped with an adequate number of nuclear reactors.
Mars is colonized only by carrying the thousands of tons that rockets cannot carry because they are physically NOT suitable.
Adequate quantities of terrestrial materials are needed to build outposts to live in, start mining activities, build greenhouses to grow plants for food and mainly start building industries on Mars!
The thermal dissipation of the Kilopower will be excellent for keeping the protection water and the drinking water at the right temperature and controlled according to the needs.
What is the use of water for protective purposes?
First of all not to be browned and irradiated by cosmic radiation on the journey to Mars and during the exploration of the surface while remaining protected by the Korolev glacier